Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts

Aug 23, 2012

Testing the Waters

       I HAVE RETURNED (cue in booming orchestra music). For the past couple of months, I have put most of my mediocre life's perks at the back burner to earn extra cash---errrr scratch that---to do service to the world by helping the youth in their journey to academic excellence---  I have become a teacher!!! hahaha I'm surprised at how upbeat I am writing about my teaching experience so far. It is actually no laughing matter and had I known it would be this demanding--physically AND emotionally-- i probably would have bowed out at the start. 

        Anyway, I did not bow out and here I am, suffering the consequences :) I have not fully adjusted to 3 continuous hours of class five days a week and I come home every night feeling drained and hungry. Whoever invented reporting---Thank YOU! At least I don't have to talk for three hours straight in my other subjects. If I were to describe this new experience, I'd say it's never boring. I always come home with a story to tell--from the amazing to the annoying--and every time I get past the frustration and disappointment of it all, those stories always make me laugh. 

         I had been a student for most of my life--6 years in grade school, four in highschool, four in college and another four in law school. Now that the tables have turned, I am slowly discovering truths---boy, was I wrong!

Fact I 

        The teacher's table has got the best view in the classroom. Those side glances during exams? The teacher sees it--on high definition! Admittedly, I did my own glancing at a seat mate's paper in desperation as a student. I realize now that it's not a pretty picture. Hand signals? Whatttt? Don't even try it. Believe me, the teacher sees EVERYTHING. We may not call your attention right there but there's an oral recitation waiting for you down the road :P

Fact II

         Teachers like their students equally-- Pfffftttttt!  There will always be one or two students who will stand out and will be liked more than the rest. They are not necessarily the best students in class, they may actually be poor performers. Conversely, there will be that one or two students least liked in class---usually those that are disrespectful and do not show eagerness to learn. Teachers, like ordinary mortals, have their own prejudices. However, this doesn't mean that grades are proportionate to likeability. Scores are scores---but we just don't easily get mad when they don't get the right answer :P

Fact III

         Teachers have lazy days. Like students who wish that the teacher won't come to class, I sometimes wish that there's a school activity I don't know about and classes become suspended. Holidays are hallelujah to us once in a while. 

Fact IV

          When teachers say they will fail the students, they actually say that with fingers crossed that it's not going to come true. I personally want all my students to pass. When several students fail in class, it is most likely not the students' fault.

Fact V

      The teacher doesn't know everything. The teacher doesn't know everything. They may appear all-knowing (and some may actually be all-knowing) but most of us still have to study before every session and get nervous if a student asks a question and we do  not know the answer. When a student asks and I'm not sure of the answer, I call another student and make it appear like I was testing them if they actually know the answer. This will buy me time to scan my notes and save the day by explaining the answer at the end of the "debate" :P  


      That said, I am soooooo hoping none of my students get to read this hahahahahaha :)